Résumé Program – Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Everyone should have a résumé – at any age – it is your scorecard of your accomplishments – big and small. You will realize this as in a game – when you keep score you try harder and try to win or improve your performance. When you set goals for improvement you are more likely to improve.

A résumé helps you keep track of what you have done, what you are doing well. It helps you identify areas to improve and helps you focus on accomplishments which help you improve as a person and prepare for business.

Writing a résumé is one of our most popular programs and a good starting point for TeachingKidsBusiness.com. It is a great way to get started preparing for your future in business. It is a great way to understand yourself in the context of the business world – education, skills, experience, personal interests, and community involvement.

Developing a résumé is like a sports game – to succeed you need to set goals, be committed to playing, develop skills, train, gain experience and compete against others to win the game or in business to get the job or succeed in business over the competition.

Your first résumé is a way to list your starting point and then as you learn about business and prepare for business – you will see yourself and your résumé develop. Make sure you keep your first  résumé – many years from now it will be very special to you and your family – one of your firsts!

Just think about it – this is a big step to think about, even if you don’t complete all sections of your résumé.

It is your résumé – “My Résumé” – to initially tell yourself about your skills and accomplishments that you are proud of. It can be your private plan and scorecard or you can share your résumé with others for advice and opportunities to help develop your  résumé.

Use this an opportunity to begin to plan what you need to do to be what you want to be in your future.

Our résumé program has been created to expose you to the process of developing a résumé at an early age. The résumé form is at the bottom of this page.

The experience of creating a résumé will be a fun and a creative actiity that will help you prepare for your career in business. We hope that you will choose to develop your résumé and continue to update it over the years.

We are providing this tool to allow you to enjoy the changes that your résumé will undergo, as you prepare to use it for a job. These changes are a direct result of your personal development and the experiences you continually gain.

Keep developing your résumé!

You can do this activity without providing personal information (information that would allow anyone to contact you). Feel free to do this activity online or offline.

You can print off this page and work at it when and where you want to.

Enjoy developing your résumé.