Business Plan to Prepare Kids For Business

What is your business plan for your child?

We want kids to succeed in life and we need to plan for their success. Consider the concept of developing a business plan to prepare your child for business and success in daily life. Set goals, identify actions you need to take, establish a budget (time and money) each year and monitor your success to your plan.  This can be done by kids or preferably as a family activity.

Business is a reality at some point in a child’s life – at an early age as a consumer (purchasing products or influencing parent’s purchases), education years in preparation for a career, part-time jobs while in school and working in a job/career full-time on completion of school.

Kids interact with businesses in their daily lives and are more business savvy then we may think. Kids are ready for business, but we need to give some thought on how to help them prepare and succeed. We need a plan which in the business world is a “business plan”.

For those that are not familiar with business planning; it will be a valuable skill to develop. In addition, this activity will help your child learn to plan and to understand business planning.

An alternative approach for a business plan is to create a résumé for your child and use this traditional format as the basis for your business plan for your child – develop each component of their résumé and monitor each year or more frequently if it makes sense.

As you navigate through the website as a kid, parent or as a family; you will discover concepts and activities to try and help you reach your goals. All of this rich content will help you develop your own plan given your constraints of time, resources and money. This website is free and our products are a small investment, so this is a great starting point.

Example of business planning components to consider:

As parents have you discussed a plan to prepare your child for business – what are your “strategies for parenting” to prepare your child for independence and a working life – to develop the necessary skills?

What is your education plan beyond traditional in-school education?

What foundation of life skills are you developing in your child to help them succeed in school and business?

What experiences or activities are you planning for your child to develop skills through; sports,community work, arts, non-paying jobs and eventual out of home paying jobs?

What is your plan to prepare your child for business – your business plan of the investment (time and money) and how you will obtain your plan?

Do not expect this will happen through the education system or by others – there is a need to provide guidance in this area. Please take control of this yourself and invest the time in this important activity -develop a plan..

Share your plan with us (an edition without personal information) for us to post examples to help others create their plans. An e-mail with the information embedded as text with no attachments please.

Please consider a small investment in our unique business plan approach to help get you started – while your purchase will help us further develop our programming.