Business Case Goals

Business or Golf?

By: Jeff Thomsen

Ben Hogan was a committed man, his preparation for the new season found him generally ensconced at the Seminole Golf Club tucked close to the East coast just North of West Palm Beach, FL. It was a good place to prepare. There were the ever present ocean winds but no fanfare, it was a place for quiet solitude and good preparation. Any man with work to be done could accomplish the task in this “haven of rest.” A lot can be accomplished with the right amount of solitude. ( i.e. see Moses )

Hogan had a specific plan and Seminole Golf Club was important to his success. In order to improve we need a few things to be right.

Here are four ideas:

  1. Set a measurable goal.
  2. Hold a clear vision of that goal.
  3. Form a plan to reach the goal.
  4. Follow your plan to reach the goal.

Write your goals down and be specific, have a day/week/month plan. Remember to keep at it everyday.

A Harvard study long ago shows that the 3% of people who have a specific written goal have a superior chance of it happening over the 97% who do not write down any goal at all. Hogan knew what it took and was willing to commit the time and effort to produce results. It doesn’t matter what your skill level is, you can improve if you will accept that it does require some measurable effort. To make a long term difference just give a little bit at a time.

Business is a large motivating factor to tune up your golf game. Your goal may be to entertain big clients who generate measurable dollars for your business. That is your specific motivation to become a better golfer, you look better to your clients and therefore your services will also look better. I guarantee that you will reap dividends if you will spend a few dollars and a few hours working on your game.

Hogan had many good reasons – it was his life avocation and he loved all of it. You too may have many reasons to improve, find a way to make your business situation better by playing better. Many of the top CEO’s play golf and for serious business reasons. Many deals have been done during a casual round of golf with the right person.

If you are not sure just how to go about getting started then ask around about who is: (1) a good player and a (2) good instructor. Yogi was right – you can learn a lot just by asking!

Jeff Thomsen, Take advantage of one of the best: The Jeff Thomsen SIGNATURE Golf Academy in Boise, Idaho. Jeff is available for golf clinics, golf outings and any golf related event. Jeff is a Nicklaus/Flick Game Improvement Trained Instructor.