Caddie Program Introduction recognizes that golf is a great sport that’s not only fun, but can be used for business purposes. Thanks to Tiger Woods, many more kids are interested in golf, entering the game of golf and proving that it is a game kids can play well, enjoy and learn a lot from. Caddie Program (Caddy Program) as part of our “Business Experiences” programming. We believe that kids will benefit greatly from business/work experience at an early age. In a lot of cases, a caddie job can be the first job for kids and we want to participate in preparing you and helping you succeed.

Caddying is a job responsibility at a golf course where you work for a golfer to carry or pull their golf bag and assist them during their round. By the end of the program you will understand this in much more detail. Caddying is a great way for kids to gain valuable work experience, exposure to the great game of golf, develop important work habits & life skills and meet & work for a variety of people.

The intention of our Caddie Program is to encourage kids to caddie, golfers to use caddies, golf tournaments and golf courses to extend the opportunity for kids to caddie. We don’t have to put caddie programs in all golf courses to succeed, all it will take is the generosity of each golfer to create one opportunity for a kid to caddie. We also have to create golf course opportunities to attract the participation of golf courses.

These programs will leverage the great sport of golf with the tradition of golfers generous support to our communities and helping kids. Kids will benefit greatly from the experience and the positive exposure to the golf environment.

We also hope that some of the money that kids make from their caddie jobs will go towards their education and preparation for their careers.

We are creating to actually set kids up in business to provide more experience opportunities for kids.

Please consider supporting this program and our other initiatives by purchasing our book “The Kids’ Guide To Business” . Our book has been created to help kids learn about & experience business and prepare for careers.

Kid’s Traditional Caddie/Caddy Program

This program is intended to develop kids in the traditional caddie role and hopefully help develop a supply of eager caddies. With the use of an online caddie training manual and other helpful information we hope to bring more kids back to the traditional caddie role.Kids will learn to work hard, gain great experience, exposure to golf , earn good money, meet and work fora variety of people.

We will provide helpful material to golf courses to help them organize a caddie program.

Kid’s Career Preparation Caddie/Caddy Program

This program is being developed to leverage the traditional caddie position to help kids network and understand career options. It is important that kids have learned the basic caddie skills and gained experience before participating in this program. The program will provide kids with ideas on how to approach people on career advice in a way that is appropriate on the golf course and that is agreed to in advance by their golfer.

Kids will caddie for a reasonable fee and when appropriate ask your golfer questions about career preparation and choices. We will help you prepare by providing you with a number of tools.

The program will introduce kids to golf, to caddying and provide you with experience and some career insight and advice. There are many life skills that can be learned on the golf course. Example; honesty, integrity, sportsmanship, good work ethic, reputation and social skills.

Here are some tools to help you:

  • Check out our “Caddie Training Manual” to help you get started.
  • Our introductory letter for Caddies has been developed to help you present yourself to golf courses. Click Request to Caddie to review the draft of this letter.
  • Caddie Service Agreement to emphasize what the Kid’s Career Preparation Caddie Program is trying to accomplish. It can also be used as a friendly reminder to the golfer and caddie that you both have responsibilities during the round. Review the Caddie Service Agreement.
  • Interview package for the kids to assist you in interviewing and learning about career opportunities and advice from your golfer. Please make sure your golfer is comfortable with helping you in this program. Use the “Caddie Service Agreement” or a discussion to make the program clear. You can use the e-Mentoring Form to help you prepare your questions.
  • Check out some advice from a number of representatives from golf associations. “Caddie Program Questions and Answers“.

Kid’s Caddie/Caddy Program Events

We are working on developing events to promote kid’s Caddying. We believe that events will create awareness of our Caddie Program and provide kids with caddie opportunities.

  • Events will be organized with the participation of youth groups as a social/learning activity anda possible fund-raiser.
  • There will also be golf course events which invite kids to the course to participate in a caddie training program. We will promote Kid’s Caddie Clinics to help prepare kids for caddie positions.
  • We are also working on programs for local businesses to give back to their communities by helping train kids as caddies and provide them with caddie job opportunities.
  • Consider community service possibilities.

Kid’s Caddie/Caddy Career Assistance

For those kids who are interested in developing caddie careers, we are developing helpful information. There are some excellent programs that we will link you with.

Review our “Kid’s Caddie Career Assistance” and the links for the great resources below.

We are also exploring a “Caddie Service” that would administer Caddie Programs regionally.

Western Golf Association is an excellent resource to help you develop a caddie career.

Good luck and enjoy!