The e-Mentoring Program for Kids™ allows kids, 9-18, to explore a variety of careers and begin to recognize the wonderful opportunities that await them. As kids explore these career-path opportunities, they will begin their “career preparation process.” Kids will make the transition to their business careers much easier as they are armed with advice, knowledge and confidence from e-mentors.
The career profiles are prepared for kids, in a kid-friendly way, by our e-Mentors, who are business people willing to share inspiration and personal advice on their career and career preparation. Their perspectives are presented in a written form as a career profile and are shared in our e-Mentoring Career Profiles section. is facilitating this community enhancement project to link business mentor career profiles and kids around the world. Our business community has so much to offer Kids and we have devised this Internet strategy to compile and deliver this information effectively via e-mentoring. Please join us and take action to help prepare our kids, our future business people
“Kid’s Career Preparation™” can start at an early age with goals of awareness and self-discovery and progress over the many years of career preparation.
To participate as an e-Mentor in the e-Mentoring For Kids Program™ please proceed to our e-Mentoring Form to share your career profile with kids or request an e-mail form from our contact page.