Welcome to this resource to help you explore developing yourself for business and entrepreneurship. Consider this as a journey to understand yourself, develop your skills and invest time in yourself to open up your possibilities and develop your potential for success in life.
This resource allows you to move at your own pace with no pressure to complete or be tested. It is as simple as reading the content, thinking about it and learning how to develop skills and experiences to help you in daily life and your working future. Your learning experience is enhanced by talking about business with others – business is in everyone’s lives and is practiced by many cultures and religions.
Our approach to business preparation education is to provide you with things to think about and show you ways to continue your learning as you live your life daily. All experiences help develop you and your success will be based on the skills and attitudes you gain from your experiences and how you apply them in your life.
Business is like a sport which takes skills, practice, passion and learning strategies to compete,improve and succeed. Like sports which we learn to play; business can be played around with to learn and played to master for enjoyment and to make money.
You can learn business at any age. We know you have potential which is not restricted by your age but rather by the resources we provide you. We have a book available which takes the simple business model of the lemonade stand and teaches many business principles which apply to most businesses. All of our online resources are based on your interest, capabilities, commitment and not your age – available to you 24/7.
There are many choices in business to satisfy a range of interests, fit for your skills, passion and commitment level of investment in time, money and resources. Any interest you have has a business connection in an interesting way – products, services, music, science, technology, animals, sports, movies, art, games, etc. Business touches everything we touch by funding research, development, and the production of most things making business very interesting with exciting opportunities.
Business is something you connect with daily as a customer and therefore you are already learning about important components of business – what it takes to sell a product to a person and how to make a person want to do business with your business. You understand what makes a brand attractive to purchase, packaging that is effective, customer service that impresses you and many more critical success factors to business. You know more about business then you may realize and we will help you further build your understanding, skills, experience and confidence in business.
Assume you are a business person from this day forward – a business kid or entrepreneur. You are developing your business idea, developing a brand and yourself as a brand, working on fulfilling your dreams, preparing yourself to launch a business or work in a business. You are in business to prepare yourself for business and success in your life. You are a startup business investing time in yourself to grow as a business – making choices and decisions to improve yourself and become a successful brand.
Don’t be afraid to fail or be reluctant to try because of potential failure. Failure is actually expected in business and should be considered a valuable lesson. People who have gained valuable experience from trying business are often more valuable then those who have not tried. We encourage you to plan and dream about business as a way to gain experience. Every dream you have is more experience in your development. Dreams are easy investments to make. Many business products and services we enjoy today started with a dream.
Explore the www.teachingkidsbusiness.com website, choose what interests you, try and set goals to invest time in yourself, understand and further develop the many skills you currently have and use daily, learn about yourself and prepare for the future. Develop yourself in new ways and shape the businesses of the future. Businesses are constantly developing and evolving to meet the needs of customers you.
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